
Keeping Our Community Safe During COVID-19

Safe Place, Trusted Care

Autism & Behavioral Spectrum has a long-standing commitment to the health care needs of our communities. Your safety is our
highest priority. During this global COVID-19 pandemic, our commitment to giving you a safe, reliable place to receive care is even
more important to us.

How We’re Keeping Patients Safe During the COVID-19 Recovery

Guided by multiple internationally respected infection prevention
experts at the CISA (The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security 
Agency), Autisms speaks, Behavioral Health Center of Excellence
(BHCOE), The Missouri Department of Economic Development
along with the recommendations from the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), we have taken a number of steps in
addition to our standard rigorous infection control measures to
ensure our facilities remain safe places for clients to confidently
receive care.

ABA is an Essential Service

Each state is issuing their own guidance regarding which services are considered essential. In Missouri, the Governor has listed the following as essential services


– therapeutic technicians and technologists
– clinics, home health care, hospices
– behavioral health workers


ABA is included in the “Essential Health Benefits” package and required to be covered in Missouri


Please click the following links for more information:

-Behavioral Health Center of Excellence
-The Missouri Department of Economic Development
-U.S. Department of Homeland Security
-Autism Speaks

Staff Vaccinations


Clinic Sanitation

1. Clean with soap and water, wipe with a paper towel
2. Rinse with water Wipe dry with a paper towel
3. Sanitize/Disinfect with bleach solution* Allow to air dry or to remain on surface for at least 2 minutes, then wipe with a paper towel

Limiting Exposure

Face Covering

It is a requirement for staff to have their face covered.

Screening and Testing

Curb side drop off/pick up

Autism & Behavioral Spectrums safety precautions are guided by experts in the field of infectious
diseases, infection prevention, public health and quality improvement.

These experts monitor the latest recommendations from state and national organizations, including the Missouri Department of Health and
Human Services, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO), and adapt our processes to
meet best practices that limit exposure and prevent the spread of disease meanwhile providing suitable essential Behavioral Health Therapy.

We request your participation, cooperation and patience during this pandemic.

Together we can keep our community safe!

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