Reggio ABA Therapy

The ReggioABATM Difference

One of the common misconceptions of ABA therapy is that it is done at a table using methods such as Discrete Trial Training (DTT) which involves mass trialing and occurs in a structured environment with minimal distractions. In today’s world however, Natural Environment Teaching is one of the more commonly used methods to teach behavior skills.  The reality is that as ABA continues to evolve, so does the implementation of ABA principles and teaching styles used.


What is ReggioABA?

AB Spectrum provides a one of a kind Reggio Emilia based Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy clinic to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or intellectual disabilities who display severe behavior (e.g., aggression, self-injury, pica, property destruction, elopement) that poses a risk of harm to self, others, or the environment. ReggioABA Therapy Curriculum utilizes Natural Environment Teaching (NET). NET is a scientifically proven teaching method which allows ABA practitioners to incorporate the learner’s natural environment into the teaching, development, and generalization of skills. Teaching is incorporated into play activities using familiar toys, games, and materials to maximize the learner’s motivation to continue the activity. 


Examples of NET

An example of NET might include a learner’s favorite toys, such as animal figurines. The Behavior Technician (BT) can target the skill development of learning prepositions by engaging in play with the child and giving natural instructions using prepositions, i.e., ‘Let’s put this tiger next to the lion!’ When the child demonstrates the correct understanding of ‘next to,’ the BT might provide social praise. Or, the BT may make the lion and tiger roar, which is both naturally reinforcing and fun for the child. This increases the likelihood the child will demonstrate another correct understanding when the BT uses ‘next to’ in the future.  


Summarizing Natural Environment Teaching

NET allows learning to be natural and even fun for the learner. In the best NET segments, the child doesn’t even realize that they are learning or being taught a specific skill; it occurs naturally. Your Clinical Team is a great resource to help identify NET opportunities in your home and  ensure that your child continues to develop skills across their natural environments. 

AB Spectrum Logo

Therapy through

Therapy through play is a term used in education and
psychology to describe how a child can learn to make
sense of the world around them. Through play children
can develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally,
and gain the self-confidence required to engage in new
experiences and environments.

AB Spectrum Autism Care

Our therapy is designed to provide personalized care to your children. Therapist-to-child ratios are 1:1 which is provided by Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) certified professionals.


Exceptional ABA therapy at AB Spectrum includes:

  • Complete PEAK testing Assessment and a Functional Behavior Assessment
  • Comprehensive behavior, communication and skill acquisition programs that are individual to each child.
  • Individualized Behavior Intervention Plans
  • Verbal behavior / Communication training
  • Play & social skills training
  • On Site BCBA program oversight and therapist supervision

Your child is at the center of our care — and so are you. That’s why we make you and your family an important part of the treatment process.


Our Curriculum is designed to ensure your child is under the care of Registered Behavior Technician and they are just dedicated to them.


Autism and Behavioral Spectrum is proud to offer large Therapy Facilities with indoor and outdoor playgrounds. Research has shown that children need room to explore and flourish. Our facilities are much larger than your typical ABA therapy clinic allowing your child to really enjoy their time at our center rather than feeling as if it is a doctor/therapy visit.


Our team of professionals keep you informed on your child’s success.

We offer the highest quality of care through our program by having a dedicated behavioral technician associated with your child and to ensure the following training goals are met:


  • Program development based on individual needs of the child and family
  • Planned training for parents, caregivers, and therapists
  • Self-care and daily living skill acquisition
  • Toilet training
  • Feeding therapy
  • Behavior Intervention Plan

How It Works

We Get to Know Your Family

Simply provide us with some details about your child
and discuss your questions with our team. We’ll help you
understand how our care will work for your family.

We Work with Your Insurance Company

We collect information and documentation to understand
your child's unique needs. We then work with your insurance
provider to ensure coverage of all necessary care.

Your Child’s Initial Evaluation

Our lead Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) conduct a clinical
review of the documentation and schedule the initial
assessment to develop your child’s personalized care

Review Your Child’s Personalized Treatment Plan

While you review and discuss your child’s treatment plan with your
lead BCBA, we’ll work behind the scenes to match you with a care
team specialized for your child's unique needs.

Start Therapy!

Your care team will provide weekly reviews and conduct
re-assessments, so you're always in the loop with your
child's progress.

Exceptional ABA therapy at AB Spectrum includes

Complete PEAK testing Assessment and a Functional Behavior Assessment

Comprehensive behavior, communication and skill acquisition programs that are individual to each child. Individualized Behavior Intervention Plans

Verbal behavior / Communication training

Play & social skills training

On Site BCBA program oversight and therapist supervision

Child-focused, family-friendly learning environment

Your child's ABA goals will work on the following

Program development based on individual needs of the child and family Planned training for parents, caregivers, and therapists

On Site BCBA program oversight and therapist supervision

Toilet training

Feeding therapy

Behavior Intervention Plan

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