Diversity & Equity Practices

Therapy for Exploring, Playing, and Learning where ALL are Welcome!

AB Spectrum Mission:

  • – Provide a safe and nurturing learning and working environment.
  • – Encourage a natural desire to explore, discover, create, and become a lifelong learner in our clients and our staff!
  • – Utilize diverse, equitable and inclusive practices for both staff and clients
  • We work with All Access Interpreters and can provide translation upon request. Each page on our website can be translated by clicking the language dropdown menu on the bottom left.


 AB Spectrum

 Hiring Standards


As we grow,we are intentional in recruitment of a diverse staff & administration, providing representation at all levels and in a variety of positions.

Visual Representation

We aim to increase diversity in representation of race, body types, orientations, and age in visual materials on our website, annual reports, and all cross-platform communications.



We are committed to consistent improvement through accreditation with BHCOE in their Diversity, Equity & Inclusion benchmarks, as well as seeking out connections with other companies who do the same.

Preferred Partners

We are working with our preferred partners to assess their commitment to diversity and inclusion practices within their own organizations. We want to actively collaborate with those who share our vision for creating a more inclusive world.

Financial Investment

AB Spectrum will continue to invest in BIPOC communities and ABA diversity efforts through a variety of annual donations and through hiring BIPOC vendors for events.

Workplace Culture

Any employee compelled to engage civilly; we support through offering PTO hours.