Author : Syed Haider

Is ABA Therapy Harmful or Helpful for Kids with Autism?

Is ABA Therapy Harmful or Helpful for Kids with Autism? ABA Therapy Experts in St. Louis Explore the Facts Vs. Myths ABA is a Behavior-Centric Program: ABA therapy could be the most critical factor that enables the healthy development and skill-building of your child with ASD. While ABA therapy offers many benefits, the most important[…]

Top 7 Therapeutic Activities for Children with Autism

Top 7 Therapeutic Activities for Children with Autism Insights from ABA Therapy Specialists in St. Louis From reducing problem behaviors, and building relationships and social skills, to improving mental and physical health, and developing personal interests, therapeutic activities offer many benefits for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Whether your child is an infant, toddler,[…]

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